
Calais, die kontinentaleuropäisch-britische Migration und die Möglichkeiten solidarischer Politik sind seit Langem ein Thema wissenschaftlicher, journalistischer, politischer und dokumentarischer Arbeiten. Die folgende Bibliographie stellt einige relevante Titel zusammen, erhebt aber keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Wie verweisen daher auf die umfangreiche Bibliographie France UK Border Research. Für Hinweise auf übersehene Titel sind wir dankbar. Eine monatliche Zusammenstellug aktueller Artikel ist allerdings unter der Rubrik Externe Berichte dieses Blogs zu finden.


Channel crossings, Blog des Forschungsprojets Researching UK government responses to small boat Channel crossings des Economic and Social Research Council, hier.

Deaths at border France/Belgium/UK, hier.

Galisson, Maël: „Voir Calais et mourir“. Le mémorial des migrants, hier.

Home Office / Border Force: Migrants detected crossing the English Channel in small boats, hier.

InfoMigrants, hier.

Le Journal des Jungles, hrsg. v. Plateforme des soutiens aux migrant.e.s [erscheint unregelmäßig seit 2013], hier.

Observatory of Deaths at the Borders: France, Belgium, UK, hier.

Passeuses d’hospitalités, hier.


Arlarmphone: Abandon and punish. How France treats victims and survivors of tragedies in the Channel, hier.

Cranston Inquiry, hier.

Refugee Council: Deaths in the Channel: What Needs to Change, hier.

UNHCR: Rapport Statistique Calais 2024, hier.


Alarmphone: The deadly consequences of the new deal to ‘Stop the Boats’, hier.

Calais Migrant Solidarity: What do in case of police violence hier.

Thom DAVIES, Arshad ISAKJEE, Joe TURNER, Tesfalem YEMANE: Small Boats, Big Contracts: Extracting Value from the UK’s Post-Brexit Asylum ‘Crisis’, in: The Political Quaterley, hier.

Maël GALISSON: The Calais Border: a silent serial killer. With afterword by Lucy Mayblin, hier.

Maël GALISSON: The silent serial killer: 391 deaths in 25 years at the UK border, hier.

House of Commons: Unauthorises Migration: Timeline and overview of UK-Franch cooperation. Research briefing, 6 December 2024, by Melanie Gowner, hier.

Alba KAPOOR / Simon HOOD / Hannah MARWOOD: Racial segregation and the asylum system: the case of RAF Wethersfield, hrsg. v. Runnymede Trust / Care4Calais, hier.

Aleksandra LEWICKI: Coloniality, Race, and Europeanness: Britain’s Borders after Brexit, in: International Political Sociology, vol. 18 issue 3, hier.

Lighthouse Reports: Sink the boats, hier.

Human Rights Observers: Rapport Annuel 2023, hier.

N. N.: From Arrest to Detention Center: Facing the deporting machine when undocumented, hier.

Statewatch: Frontex flights and fatalities in the Channel, hier.

Vicky TAYLOR: “No Such Thing As Justice Here”. The criminalisation of people arriving to the UK on ‘small boats’, hier.

UNHCR: Rapport statistique – Initiative KOBO, hier.

Sophie WATT: Ce que des réfugiés du nord de la France m’ont appris sur la traversée de la Manche. Récit en trois épisodes. 1: Le Camp, 2: Les passeurs, 3: Les bateaux. In: The Conversation, hier.


Alarmphone / LIMINAL: ‚They ignored us initially‘: What happened in the Channel on 14 December, 2022?, hier.

Collective Aid: Annual Review, May 2022 – April 2023, hier.

Collective Aid: Calais Situational Update, December 2023, hier.

Mathilda DELLA TORRE (Hrsg.): Conversations From Calais. Sharing Refugee Stories, London: Waterstones, hier.

Liliane GABEL: Leu feu au coeur des Hommes. Calais, notre amour. Pontault-Combault: HF Edition.

Julien GOUDICHAUD / Nicolas TORRENT: Les Plages de l’embarquement. Une enquête immersive sur la volonté sans failles des migrants pour traverser la Manche, Paris: Éditions Les Arènes, hier.

Maria HAGAN / Sébastien BACHELET: „We know who you are“, Hostile Migration Politics and the Criminalisation of Solidarity Actors in France and Marocco, hier.

Maria HAGAN / Sebastien BACHELET: Insidious Harassment: Criminalisation, Solidarity, and Migration in France and Morocco, in: Antipode, hier.

Gerd HANKEL: Londons Flüchtlingsabwehr, Ruandas Geschäft, in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Heft 4/2023, hier.

Annalisa LENDARO / Bastien ROLAND: The Jungle of rights: The legal consciousness of migrant children in transit in Calais, in: Children & Society 37 (3), S. 661-999, hier.

Mixed Migration Centre: Northern France and Belgium: Mixed Migration Trends and Dynamics. MMC Research Report, hier.

Thomas MÜLLER: Scheiternde Grenze. Eine Reflexion über den „Jungle von Calais“, in: Heidrun Sandbichler: Nachtgesang, München 2023, S. 163-169.

Observatoire des expulsions collectives de lieux de vie informels: Rapport annuel, 1er novembre 2022 – 31 octobre 2023, hier.

Refugee Council: The Truth About Channel Crossings, hier.

Louis WITTER: La Battue. L’État, la police et les étrangers, Paris 2023, hier.


Anas / David Cường Nguyễn / Caitlin Nunn: Calais Again, in: Sociological Research Online, 27/3 (2022), S. 569–573, hier.

Pierre BONNEVALLE: Enquête sur 30 ans de Fabrique Politique de la Dissuasion. L’Etat français et la gestion de la présence des personnes exilées dans la frontière franco-britannique: harceler, expulser, disperser. Hrsg. v. Plateforme des Soutiens aux Migrant.e.s, hier.

Collective Aid: Annual review 2021-22. Analysis of Collective Aid’s work between March 2021 and March 2022, hier.

House of Commons: Irregular migration: A timeline of UK-French co-operation. Research Briefing Nr. 9681, hier.

House of Commons, Home Affairs Committee: Channel crossings, migration and asylum. First Report of Session 2022-23, hier.

Human Rights Observers: Observation des expulsions de lieux de vie informels, Calais & Grande-Synthe. Rapport Annuel 2021, hier.

Maria HAGAN: ‚They tell us to keep our distance, but we sleep five people in one tent‘: The opportunistic governance of displaced people in Calais during the COVID-19 pandemic, in: Social and Cultural Geography, hier.

Jonathan KRÄMER: Europa braucht Humanitäre Hilfe: die europäische Doppelmoral beim Umgang mit Schutzsuchenden, hier.

Monseigneur LEBORGNE: Prière pour les temps présents, hier.

Marta LOTTO: On the border. La vie en transit à la frontière franco-britannique. Hrsg. v. Plateforme des Soutiens aux Migrant.e.s, hier.

Marley MORRIS / Amreen QURESHI: Understanding the Rise in Channel Crossings, hrsg. v. Institute for Public Policy Research, hier.

Thomas MÜLLER / Simone SCHLINDWEIN / Merle THIEL / Sascha ZINFLOU: One-way-Ticket nach Afrika, hier.

Observatoire des expulsions collectives de lieux de vie informels: Rapport annuel, 1er novembre 2021 – 31 octobre 2022, hier.

Tom SCOTT-SMITH: Infrastructural immobility. Movement and material culture in the Calais Jungle, hier.

David SUNDERLAND: Irregular migration from France to Great Britain in small boats: highlighting female experiences and perspectives, hier.

Victoria Marie TECCA: To Where the Clock Changes: Migrant Illegalisation and its Consequences Along the France-UK Border, hier.

Thom TYREMAN: Everyday Border Struggles. Segragation and Solidarity in the UK and Calais, London: Routledge.

Travis VAN ISACKER: Environmental racism in the borderlands. The case of Calais, hier.


L’Auberge des Migrants: Le „Live“ de la Jungle. La Jungle de Calais vue par les bénévoles. Mit Zeichnungen von Anne Gorouben, Calais 2021.

Commission Nationale Consultative des Droits de l’Homme: Opinion on the situation of exiled persons in Calais and Grande-Synthe, hier.

Thom DAVIES / Arshad ISAKJEE / Lucy MAYBLIN / Joe TURNER: Channel crossings: offshoring asylum and the afterlife of empire in the Dover Strait, in: Ethnic and Racial Studies 77 (2021), Nr. 13, hier.

European Network of National Human Rights Institutions / Commission Nationale Consultative des Droits de l’Homme: National Report on the situation of human rights of migrants at the borders, hier.

Human Rights Watch: Enforced Misery. The degrading treatment of migrant children and adults in northern France, hier.

Human Rights Observers: Observations of State Violence at the Franch-UK Border. Calais and Grande-Synthe. Annual Report 2020, hier.

Project Play: Barriers to Accessing Child Protection in France, hier.

Zaki NAHABOO / Nathan KERRIGAN: Migrants, Borders and the European Question. The Calais Jungle, Cham 2021.

Thomas MÜLLER: Calais. Großbritanniens externalisierte Grenze, hier.

Thomas MÜLLER: Außengrenze im Nordwesten, hier.

Observatoire des expulsions collectives de lieux de vie informels: Rapport annuel, 1er novembre 2020 – 31 octobre 2021, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: Five Years On. An analysis of the past and present situation at the UK-France border, five years after the peak of the Calais ‚Jungle‘ camp, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe et al.: The failure of French authorities to respect, protect and guarantee the rights of at-risk unaccompanied children (UAC) at France’s internal land borders (French-Italian, Franch-Spain and French-British), hier.


Michel AGIER et al: Der „Dschungel von Calais“. Über das Leben in einem Flüchtlingslager [frz. Orig. 2018: La Jungle de Calais. Les migrants, la frontière et le camp].

Channelle GUEGUEN-Teil / Irit KATZ: On the meaning of shelter. Living in Calais’s camps de la Lande, in: Irit KATZ / Diana MARTÍN / Claudio MINCA (Hrsg.): Camps Revisited: Multifaceted Spatialities of a Modern Political Technology. London, S. 83-99.

Maria HAGAN: The contingent camp. Struggling for shelter in Calais, France. In: Tom SCOTT-SMITH / Marc E. BREEZE (Hrsg.): Structures of Protection? Rethinking Refugee Shelter. Oxford, S. 111–122.

Human Rights Observers: Observations of State Violence at the Franch-UK Border. Calais and Grande-Synthe. Annual Report 2019, hier.

Thomas MÜLLER: Die Aktualität des Jungle. Eine Vorbemerkung zur deutschen Ausgabe, in: Michel AGIER et al: Der „Dschungel von Calais“. Über das Leben in einem Flüchtlingslager, S. 3-33.

Refugee Rights Europe: Facing Multiple Crises. On the treatment of refugees and displaced people in norther France during the Covid-19 pandemic, hier.

Refugfee Rights Europe: Refugees and Displaces Prople. A brief timeline of the human rights situation in northern France, hier.

Maddie ROBERTS: Securitisation, migration and the „liberal state“: A discursive and content analysis of the modes of state intervention performing necropolitics as a border-zone securitisation strategy in the context of the displaced communities in Calais, hier.

Hanna RULLMANN: Fort vert. Nature conservation as border regime in Calais, hier.

Thom TYREMAN / Travis VAN ISACKER: Border Securitisation in the Channel, in: Border Criminologies, hier.

Travis VAN ISACKER: Counter-mapping citizenship.
Bordering through domicide in Calais, France. Diss.: Uni Brighton, hier.


Amnesty International: Targetting Solidarity. Criminalization and harassment of people defending rerugee and migrant rights in Northern France, hier.

Amnesty International: Abuses and impunity continue to worsen along the French-British border despite mounting evidence, hier.

Marc DOIDGE / Elisa SANDRI: ‘Friends that last a lifetime’: the importance of emotions amongst volunteers working with refugees in Calais, in: The British Journal of Sociology 70 (2), S. 463–480.

Maël GALISSON: Deadly crossings and the militarization of Britain’s borders, hrsg. v. Institute Race Relations, hier.

Dan HICKS / Sarah MALLET: Lande: The Calais Jungle and Beyond.

Human Rights Observers et al.: „Les expulsions de terrain à Calais et Grande-Synthe. 1er août 2018 – 1er juin 2019“, hier.

Thomas MÜLLER / Uwe SCHLÜPER / Sascha ZINFLOU: Querung des Kanals. Calais, der Brexit und die Bootspassagen nach Großbritannien, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: Children Stuck in Limbo. Examining the vulnerability of unaccompanied minors in northern France, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: Let Out In the Cold. The vulnerable children on Britain’s doorstep and the urgency of post-Brexit familiy reunion rules, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: No way forward, no way out. Human rights infrigements facing refugees and displaced people in Belgium, hier.

Daniela STAUFFACHER: „In this place we are very far away from God“: Raum und Religion im Jungle von Calais, Zürich 2019.

Eleonore VIGNY: „Calais: The Police Harassment of Volunteers, Study from 1st November 2017 to 1st July 2019”, hrsg. von L’Auberge des Migrants et al.


Michel Agier et al.: La Jungle de Calais. Les migrants, la frontière et le camp

Défenseur des Droits: Exilés et droits fondamentaux: trois ans après le rapport de Calais, decembre 2018, hier.

Anya EDMOND-PETTITT: Guilt by association. The ‘hostile environment’: the lived experience in Calais, in: Institute of Ryce Relations (Hrsg.): Humanitarianism: the unacceptable face of solidarity, S. 22-27, hier.

Yasmin IBRAHIM / Anita HOWARTH: Calais and its Border Politics. From Control to Demolition. London.

Oli MOULD: The not-so-concrete jungle. Material precarity in the Calais refugee camp, in: Cultural Geographies 25 (3), S. 393–409.

Thomas MÜLLER / Uwe SCHLÜPER: Dynamiken der Jungles. Calais und das europäisch-britische Grenzregime, hier.

Thomas MÜLLER / Sascha ZINFLOU: Die Urbanität des Jungle. Calais und die Möglichkeit einer migrantischen Stadt, in: movements 2/2018, S. 129–160, hier.

Tobias MÜLLER: Hier draußen an der Grenze. Repressive Elendsverwaltung auf europäischen Migrationsrouten.

Joe MURPHY / Joe ROBERTSON: The Jungle, London: Faber & Faber.

Refugee Info Bus / L’Auberge des Migrants / La Cabane Juridique / Utopia 56: Rapport sur les violences à Calais. Pratiques abusives et illégales des forces de l’ordre. Observations et témoignages du 1er novembre 2017 au 1er novembre 2018, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: Refugees and displaced persons in Northern France. A brief timeline of the human rights situation in the Calais area, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: Left in-between. Documenting the situation of refugees and displaced people in Brussels, Belgium, hier.

Elisa SANDRI: ‘Volunteer humanitarianism’. Volunteers and humanitarian aid in the Jungle refugee camp of Calais, in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 44 (1), S. 65–80.


Christine BEDDOE: „Nobody deserves to live this way!“. An independent inquiry into the situation of separated and unaccompanied minors in parts of Europe, hrsg. v. Humman Trafficking Foundation, hier.

Kirsty BRIMELOW / Jelina SANE: Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) 2017: Breakdown: the dismantling of the Calais “Jungle” and of the promises to its unaccompanied children, 24-25 October 2016, hrsg. v. Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales, hier.

Calais Research Network: Decision-makers, hier.

Calais Research Network: Eurotunnel. Deaths at the fences, profits for Goldman Sachs, hier.

Calais writers: Voices from the ‚Jungle‘. Stories from the Calais refugee camp, London.

Collectif: Calais. Face a la Frontière. Textes et entretiens.

Kate EVANS: Threads, from the refugee crisis.

Jérôme FRQUET / Sylvain MANTERNACH: Calais: Miroir François de la crise migratoire européenne, hier.

Human Rights Watch: “Like Living in Hell”. Police abuses against adult and child migrants in Calais, hier.

Lisa MANDEL / Yasemine BOUAGGA: Les nouvelles de la jungle (de Calais).

Séverine MAYER: Calais, frontière des espoirs. Ou l’Humanité Au Rabais.

Gideon MENDEL: Dzhangal. London.

Oli MOULD: The Calais Jungle. A slum of London’s making, in: 21 (3-4), S. 388-404

Thomas MÜLLER: Raum und Grenze des Jungle von Calais. Eine politisch-geographische Skizze, in: „Jeux sans frontières“? Grenzgänge (in) der Geschichtswissenschaft, hrsg. v. Andreas Fickers, Rüdiger Haude, Stefan Krebs u. Werner Tschacher, S. 89-102.

Christoph OESCHGER: They’ve Made us Ghosts.

Pooja PURI: The Jungle. Imagine a world with no borders.

Refugee Rights Europe: Six months on. Filling information gaps relating to children and young adults in Northern France following the demolition of the Calais camp, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: Twelve months on. Filling information gaps relating to refugees and displaced prople in Northern France a year on from the demolition of the Calais camp, hier.

Debarati SANYAL: Calais’s „Jungle“: Refugees, Biopolitics, and the Arts of Resistance, in: Representations, Nr. 139, S. 1-33, hier.

Martina TAZZIOLI: Calais after the jungle: migrant dispersal and the expulsion of humanitarianism, hier.

Steve WATERS: The play about Calais.

Henk WILDSCHUT / Robin ULEMAN: Ville de Calais.


Leonie ANSEMS DE VRIES / Marta WELANDER: Calais demolition: ‘mission accomplished’, the politics of exhaustion and continued struggles for mobility, hier.

Keigh BEE: Calais und die Grenzindustrie. Profiteure der EU-Migrationspolitik, hrsg. v. Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V., hier.

Calais Research Network: Funding the border, hier.

Commission Nationale Consultative des Droits de l’Homme: Avis «suivi sur la situation des mingrants a Calais et dans le Calaisis», hier.

Sophie DJIGO: Les migrants de Calais. Enquête sur la en transit.

Dunkirk Legal Support Team: Basic facts about unaccompanied minors from the refugee camp in Grande-Synthe, hier.

Fionnuala FINNERTY: Sexual and reproductive health in the new migrant “jungle” camp in Calais, France– A perfect storm?, hier.

Stephen GRAGG / Gráinne MELLON: Camps at Calais and Grande-Synthe (France): Policing and Access to Justice, hrsg. v. Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales, hier.

Cyrille HANAPPE: Architecture et reduction du risqué. Plan guide d’intervention la Jungle de Calais, hier.

Benjamin HUNTER / Rosie POPE: An uncertain futore: Life for the children of the Calais „Jungle“ post-eviction, 2016, hier.

Charlotte KILROY: Aus dem ‘Dschungel’ ins Königkreich. Die Minderjährigen von Calais, in: Republikanischer Anwaltsverein: Infobriefe, Sonderbrief Rassismus und Recht.

Natasha KING: No borders. The politics of immigration control and resistance.

Hammed KHAMIS: „I am not animal“. Die Schande von Calais.

Léopold LAMBERT: Report from Calais and Grande-Synthe. Two political architectures of (in)hospitality, in: The Funambulist, hier.

Léopold LAMBERT: Police, Fences, and Containers. A Photographic Report from Calais’ “Jungle”, in: The Funambulist, hier.

Samuel LEQUETTE / Delphine LE VERGOS: Décamper. De Lampedusa à Calais, un livre de textes et d’images & un disque pour parler d’une terre sans accueil.

Stefan MÖRSCH: Der Jungle von Calais, in: Räume des Ankommens. Topographische Perspektiven auf Migration und Flucht hrsg. v. Amalia Barboza, Stefanie Eberding, Ulrich Pantle u. Georg Winter, S. 207-216.

Olumide POPOOLA / Annie HOLMES: Breach.

Refugee Rights Europe: The Long Wait. Filling data gaps relating to refugees and displaced people in the Calais camp, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: Unsafe borderlands. Filling data gaps relating to women in the Calais camp, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: The “other” camp. Filling data gaps relating to refugees and displaced people in Dunkirk, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: The unknown knowns. Observations from small informal refugee cemps in Northern France, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: Still waiting. Filling additional data gaps relating to the Calais camp, hier.

Refugee Rights Europe: Still here. Exploring further dynamics of the Calais Camp, hier.

Miriam TICKTIN: Calais. Containment politics in the ‘jungle’, in: The Funambulist Magazine 5, S. 29–33.

UNICEF France: Neither safe nor sound. Unaccompanied children on the coastline of the English Channel and the North Sea, hier.


Calais Migrant Solidarity: Calais. Trapped on the Border. A brief history of solidarity quatting practices, hier.

Défenseur des Droits: Exiles and fundamental rights: the situation in the territory of Calais, hier.

Surindar DHESI / Archad ISAKJEE / Thom DAVIES: An Environmental Health Assessment of the New Migrant Camp in Calais, hier.

Arthur FRAYER-LARLEIX: Dans la peau d’un migrant: De Peshewar à Calais. Enenquête sur le “cinquième monde”: De Peshewar à Calais. Enenquête sur le “cinquième monde”.

Pierre FREYBURGER / Luc GEORGES: Sept jours à Calais.

Amy NON [pseud.]: Calais, Calais, hier.

Jessica REINISCH: ‘Forever Temporary’: Migrants in Calais, Then and Now, in: The Political Quaterley, hier.

Thom DAVIES / Archad ISAKJEE: Geography, migration and abandonment in the Calais refugee camp, in: Political
49, S. 93–95.


Calais Migrant Solidarity: Calais. Deux ans après. Harcèlement policier discriminations. Nouvelle saisine du défenseur des droits, hier.

Calais Migrant Solidarity: Calais. Novembre 2011 – Avril 2014. Chronologie non exhaustive des contrôles d’identité, interpellations, intimidations, fermetures de squats, etc, subis par les exile-e-s, hier.


Haydée SABÉRAN: Ceux qui passent.


Calais Migrant Solidarity: Calais: this border kills. Documented police violence, June 2009 – June 2011, hier.

Jérôme EQUER: La jungle Calais, un déshonneur européen.


Calais Migrant Solidarity: Radical Migrant Solidarity. Initiatives, observations and ideas from the struggle against the border regime, hier.

Philippe EURIN: La Jungle de Calais. Misère et solidaritè.


Coordination Française pour la droit d‘asile: La loi des “jungles”. La situation des exilés sur le littoral de la Manche et de la Mer du Nord. Rapport de mission d’observation mai-julliet 2008, hier.


AnArchitektur: Grenzgeographie Sangatte, hier.