In Calais, Dunkerque und an anderen Orten der Ärmelkanal-Region leisten zahlreiche zivilgesellschaftliche Gruppen humanitäre, solidarische und politische Arbeit. Die folgende Übersicht ist nicht tagesaktuell und sicher auch nicht vollständig. Hinweise auf sinnvolle Ergänzungen sind willkommen! Die Abstracts zu den Gruppen sind ihren jeweiligen Websites entnommen. (Stand: September 2022)
Die Redaktion selbst vertritt nicht die Interessen einer einzelnen Organisation, ruft jedoch dringend zu praktischer Hilfe und politischer Solidarität auf.
L’AUBERGE DES MIGRANTS: „L’Auberge des Migrants has been working with refugees and displaced people in Calais and the surrounding area since 2008. Today, our association plays an umbrella role by bringing together 8 different organisations, working collaboratively to support people, volunteers and organisations in the region. Based in our Calais warehouse, the vast majority of our work relies on private donations and relationships with partners. Public subsidies allow us to cover part of our expenses, but it is the donations that allow us to continue our work independently. All donations are used to provide humanitarian aid and promote the dignity of displaced people in region.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
CALAIS APPEAL: „We are a group of humanitarian aid organisations in Calais who have shared resources and expertise during the many years that we have been working on the ground. We collaborate to provide food, firewood, clothing, information and basic shelter to people seeking safety.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
CALAIS FOOD COLLECTIVE: „We work in Calais to ensure that displaced people stuck, often for many months in Calais, are able to cook for themselves. As well as it being essential to nourish yourself, the ability to cook has great psychological and communal advantages during a mentally and physically challenging time. […] The Calais Food Collective operates as a flat hierarchy and all members have an equal value in our decision making processes. No matter how long a volunteer stays, we invite any member to take on any role and respect each individual as vital to our team. Our assignments include: accounting, fundraising, field logistics, distributions, advocacy, recruitment.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
CARE 4 CALAIS: „Care4Calais is a volunteer run charity delivering essential aid and support to refugees living in the UK, Northern France and Belgium. We believe in a fair and tolerant British society and advocate for a welcoming and inclusive attitude towards refugees.Operating year round, our focus is to provide warm clothing, bedding, food and medical assistance to people in desperate need. We also provide social support and interaction, including language lessons and sports and music workshops. […] We also work with research and media organisations to advocate for a welcoming and inclusive attitude towards refugees and asylum seekers.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
CHANNEL INFO PROJECT: „Channel Info Project was launched by L’Auberge des Migrants (AdM) in November 2022 to react to the need for access to information and digital connectivity along the UK-France border. Our presence in the field includes a static info point at the local day centre and pop-up info stands at other organisations’s distributions; phone charging sessions near the living sites; information outreaching and facilitating workshops and trainings for volunteers and people on the move. We also produce monthly ‘New Arrival Guides’ for Calais and Grande-Synthe, translated into twelve different languages, and coordinate with our network of partners to draft, translate and publish various information documents as needed.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
COLLECTIVE AID: „Founded in 2017, Collective Aid supports refugees and other displaced people by stepping in where governments and large organisations do not. In Calais, the state does not provide accomodation, even confiscating people’s items to drive them away. Clothing and shelter is their people’s right. We hold year-round distributions of clothing, bedding, shelter and hygiene items, giving people a blanket to sleep under, a tent to live in, and warm and dry clothes.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
FAST – First Aid Support Team „is an organisation made up of volunteer healthcare professionals coming together to provide first aid in Northern France. We work in camps around Calais and Dunkirk providing first aid and referring displaced people with medical needs to other services. We also work closely with other organisations in Northern France providing first aid training for their volunteers. We strongly believe in the basic human right to being treated with dignity and respect and apply this basic human right in our day-to-day efforts when helping and assisting people forced from their homes by violence, persecution, and poverty.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
HELP 4 DUNKERQURE: „Nous proposons un stand de thé, café, chocolat chaud, un barber shop, un point d’électricité pour la charge des téléphones, de la musique , du cinéma, des activités pour les enfants, des jeux de société, une distribution de vêtements et couvertures quotidienne ainsi que la coupe et distribution de bois permettant de se chauffer et de cuisiner. En collaboration avec d’autres associations la distribution des tentes, couvertures après évacuation où tout est détruit parfois plusieurs fois par semaine. Depuis Février 2022 nous proposons une centaine de douches par jour sur le camp grâce à notre camion confectionné avec amour par des membres de l’association.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
HUMAN RIGHTS OBSERVERS: „Human Rights Observers (HRO) was founded in 2017 as an inter-associative project and unofficial watchdog. Now a project of French organisation L’Auberge des Migrants, it aims to document and denounce the State violence perpetrated against displaced people at the French-UK border, in Calais and Grande-Synthe.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
MÉDECINS DU MONDE: „La délégation Hauts-de-France de Médecins du Monde accompagne un programme sur le littoral du Nord (Calais et Dunkerque) auprès des exilés en transit vers le Royaume-Uni. Nous soutenons et accompagnons les personnes en situation de précarité et de vulnérabilité, sans nous substituer (dans la mesure du possible) aux dispositifs de droit commun. Notre objectif étant bien sûr d’influencer les autorités sanitaires et institutionnelles pour un accès effectif de tous et de toutes aux soins et aux droits. La délégation Hauts-de-France coordonne également, en partenariat avec la Faculté de médecine de Lille et le réseau santé solidarité de Lille Métropole, le Diplôme Universitaire Santé Précarité pour dispenser un ensemble d’enseignements pratiques et théoriques à destination des professionnel-le-s de la santé et du social.“ Info und Kontakt: hier
NO BORDER MEDICS: „Die Lage vor Ort ist sehr dynamisch und es ist Teil des Selbstverständnisses von No Border Medics, sich den Bedingungen vor Ort und den Bedürfnissen der People on the Move anzupassen und ihnen eine menschenwürdige und angemessene medizinische Versorgung anzubieten. Unsere Mission ist es, eine Erstversorgung anzubieten.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
OSMOSE 62: „L’association Osmose62 soutient celles et ceux qu’on appelle ‚les migrants‘, ces personnes exilée.“ Osmose 62 ist im Gebiet von Boulogne-sur-Mer tätig. Info und Kontakt: hier.
PLATEFORME DES SOUTIENS AUX MIGRANT.E.S: „Réseau d’associations intervenant auprès des exilé.e.s dans la région Hauts-de-France et sur le littoral de la Manche.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
MAISON LA MARGELLE: „Maison Margelle is a house of hospitality located in the city of Calais, Hauts-de-France. This project was born in the face of the difficulties of access to accommodation for asylum seeking people living in informal living areas in and around Calais. This house is intended to be a place for single men living on camps whose state arrangements are insufficient to meet their rights to accommodation.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
PROJECT PLAY: „Project Play was founded in August 2018 by volunteers working in northern France to support displaced communities sleeping in informal camps. Project Play has worked with hundreds of children and run, on average, six sessions every week. We have welcomed and said goodbye to dozens of talented volunteers with a range of skills and expertise.“ Info und Kontakt: hier und hier.
REFUGEE COMMUNITY KITCHEN: „Refugee Community Kitchen was created on 1st December 2015 as a grassroots organisation in response to the tens of thousands of people forced to leave their homes in search of refuge and safety in Europe. Pooling the resources and skills from their communities in the UK, RCK has since provided over two million meals. The organisation is run solely by volunteers from all over the world, who are ordinary people making a big difference to the lives of many.“ Info und Kontakt: hier und hier.
REFUGEE INFO BUS siehe: Channel Info Project.
REFUGEE WOMEN’S CENTRE: „The Refugee Women’s Centre is a French association supporting displaced women and families, in transit, living in outdoor informal camps on the French-British border in Grande-Synthe and Calais. Refugee Women’s Centre has existed in Grande-Synthe since 2015, and became a registered French association in April 2017. Our work consists of providing the people we support with their most essential needs, accompanying their administrative procedures and assisting them in claiming their rights (including medical care, housing, and legal advice).“ Kontakt und Info: hier und hier.
ROOTS: „Roots was set up in Calais in 2017 following the demolition of the ‚Jungle‘ refugee camp. While the structure of the camp disappeared, the flow of refugees didn’t, so we set up an electronics workshop where we create ingenious solutions to the ongoing problem of affordable energy for those on the move. […] A phone is not only where family photos and contacts are kept, it also provides access to vital aid including food, clothes, shelter and medical care when displaced.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
SALAM (Soutenons, aidons, luttons, agissons
pour les migrants et les pays en difficulté): „Le 5 novembre 2002, le gouvernement français ordonne la fermeture du centre de la Croix Rouge qui accueillait à Sangatte les migrants présents dans le Calaisis.
La plupart d’entre eux se retrouvent jetés à la rue à l’aube de l’hiver. Des bénévoles se rassemblent alors pour organiser des distributions de nourriture et de vêtements et décident après quelque temps de se donner une existence juridique en fondant l’association SALAM. Depuis, les migrants n’ont cessé d’affluer, mais stationnent sur tout notre littoral. C’est pourquoi SALAM a également un pôle à Dunkerque.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
SECOURS CATHOLIQUE, Délégation du Pas-de-Calais: „Le Secours Catholique Caritas-France est composé d’un réseau de 72 délégations réparties sur l’ensemble du territoire français réunissant plus de 60 000 bénévoles. […] La délégation comprend: Une mission auprès des personnes exilées bloquées à la frontière franco-britannique avec un accueil de jour à Calais et des activités; 2 boutiques solidaires, Texti-solidarités à Marquion et la boutique du Secours Catholique à Berck; une équipe dédiée à la thématique Prison-Justice; une équipe d’animation spirituelle.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
UTOPIA 56: „Utopia 56 est une association créée en novembre 2015 en Bretagne pour encadrer le bénévolat qui se déployait alors sur la jungle de Calais. Avec des actions 24h/24 et 7j/7 sur le terrain, plus de 200 bénévoles sont mobilisé·es chaque jour pour des maraudes de distributions, des maraudes d’informations et de l’hébergement solidaire, à Calais, Grande-Synthe, Lille, Paris, Rennes, Toulouse et Tours. Utopia 56 est une association citoyenne et financée à moitié par des dons de particuliers et à moitié par des dons d’autres associations, entreprises et fondations soumises à charte éthique. Utopia 56 n’accepte ni ne reçoit d’argent de l’Etat.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.
WOODYARD: „A project set up by l’Auberge des Migrants, the Woodyard is a volunteer project that provides people with firewood throughout the winter. For those camping in freezing conditions, firewood is not only a source of heat, but allows cooking the food distributed by our partners Calais Food Collective. This creates informal social spaces and frees displaced people in Calais from dependence on hot food distributions, letting them camp and cook where they like, as well as dry their clothes.“ Info und Kontakt: hier.