Im Zuge der rassistischen Krawalle in Großbritannien kündigten britische Rechtsextreme an, ab dem 11. August 2024 in Calais zu agieren. Dahinter dürfte der Wunsch stehen, auch in Frankreich rechtsextreme Ausschreitungen zu erzeugen und Gewalt gegen Exilierte und ihre Unterstützer_innen auzustacheln, sich aber mindestens für die eigene Follower_innen in Szene zu setzen. Im Vorfeld erschien nun der unten dokumentierte Aufruf, sich ihnen aktiv entgegenzustellen. Der Aufruf erschien auf der Website des Netzwerks Calais Migrant Solidarity, das sich als Teil der No borders-Bewegung versteht.
English fashists are preparing attacks on the beaches of Calais: Call for vigilance and mobilization
On social media, a group of around 15 fascists announced that they will come to the northern French coast to “stop the boats” of migrants from August 11. In July alone, at least 7 people died trying to cross the Channel… This risk of racist attacks further increases the danger for those who try to cross. Call for the greatest vigilance and actions to stop the fascists.
On Thursday, August 1, Alan Leggett, a far-right anti-immigration activist well-known in the English far-right sphere, published on his Twitter account (Active Patriot) a call to come to the coasts of northern France, with the aim of “stopping the boats” of people on the move leaving for England.
This xenophobic activist had already come to the northern coast the week before, accompanied by two other fascists (@TruthHurts101 and @veteran_little) to scout out the area and observe the police presence (insufficient according to them) to prevent the boats from leaving… During this first 3-day stay, they accidentally met a team from Utopia 56 on the beach, were aggressive, and claimed that the beaches were now theirs and that they would return.
This return is planned, according to Alan Leggett, from August 11. After setting up a fundraiser, he claims to be able to deploy 3 cars “full of migrant hunters” to patrol the coastline.
Let’s not let them do it! Let’s be vigilant for any information about their plans and their presence, and let’s do everything to prevent this disgusting project. Any autonomous initiative is welcome, but beware of repression: the police presence is enormous on the coast, with numerous identity checks and vehicle searches.
Stop the fascists, not the boats!