Ende Dezember 2024 starben drei Geflüchtete am Strand von Sangatte bei Calais (siehe hier). Einer von ihnen war Adnan Dafallah Moussa. Sein Bruder veröffentlichte nun einen Appell, in dem er die Beweggründe vieler Geflüchteter in Nordfrankreich beschreibt und auf Menschenwürde als Grundlage jeder Migrationspolitik besteht.

A Call to Humanity
To the international community, governments, humanitarian organisations and all living consciences,
We are facing a real humanitarian crisis caused by complex migration policies, in particular the Dublin Regulation, which forces refugees to remain in countries where they cannot settle. Many of them wander from one country to another, losing precious years in uncertainty and instability.
In France, despite the opportunities it offers to refugees, a major problem remains: the lack of temporary accommodation centres for new arrivals awaiting their residence permits. This situation exposes them to extremely difficult conditions, especially young people and minors, who do not know how to cope with the freezing cold, cultural differences and unfamiliar laws, without any guidance or support.
I am Walid Dafallah Moussa Idriss, and I lost my brother Adnan Dafallah Moussa while he was trying to cross the English Channel to reach the United Kingdom. His dream was to settle in France, but he found himself homeless, suffering from the cold and isolation, which pushed him to risk his life. Unfortunately, his story is not unique; many refugees face the same fate due to policies that do not take their humanity into account.
These refugees do not leave their countries by choice, but out of necessity. Their migration to the West is not a luxury, but a quest for dignity, freedom and security. Every human being has the right to seek a better life.
This is why we call on France, which has become a welcoming land for many refugees, to take into account their basic needs, whether through the government or with the help of humanitarian organisations. We are aware of the migration laws in place, but the tragic reality demands exceptional humanitarian measures, because human dignity must always take precedence over any legislation.
This appeal is addressed to all States and organisations to work to alleviate the suffering of refugees and guarantee their safety, because humanity must never be sacrificed in the name of laws and policies.
With all my respect and gratitude,
Walid Dafallah Moussa Idriss